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Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference

CREaM hosted the annual Medieval and Renaissance Music Conference from 24 to 27 July 2008. Instituted in the 1970s, the 'Med-Ren' is the oldest of the standing music conferences in the UK and the largest Early Music conference worldwide. Since the late 1990s, it is alternately held in the UK and on the continent; recent sites were Oxford (2002), Jena/Germany (2003), Glasgow (2004), Tours/France (2005), Cambridge (2006) and Vienna/Austria (2007). Bangor played host to the conference for the second time; and welcomed over 150 registered participants from all corners of the world; there was a concert accompanying the conference by the world-renowned Clerks Group under the direction of Edward Wickham. Given the integration of CREaM into the interdisciplinary context of IMEMS, we particularly encouraged panels and individual submissions of an interdisciplinary nature; several IMEMS strands and the Centre for Medieval Studies hosted panels.


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